Pick-a-Poem: A Month of Sundays


Welcome to another week of Pick-a-Poem! I hope you’ve been having a great week so far. If you’re looking for some new poetry to check out, here is your weekly installment of new verse. As always, this week’s featured poem comes from Poetry Daily, which is a very helpful website that features a new poem every day. This week we’re featuring A Month of Sundays by Kathleen Hellen.

According to her bio page on Poets & Writers, Kathleen Hellen has written one book of poetry entitled Umberto’s Night (Washington Writers’ Publishing House, 2012). She has also published two chapbooks of her work, Pentimento (Finishing Line Press, 2014) and The Girl Who Loved Mothra (Finishing Line Press, 2010). In addition, her work has been published in a vast number of journals, including Rhino Magazine, Caesura, Common Ground Review, and many more. She has won several prizes for her work, including the James Still and Thomas Merton poetry prizes.

A Month of Sundays by Kathleen Hellen

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